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Why Is Your Dentist Using Hypochlorous Acid for Disinfection Instead of Bleach?

September 6, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:06 pm
person disinfecting a surface with hypochlorous acid

Typically, people think that the best way to disinfect a surface is to spray it with bleach. While this is effective, it’s not the safest bacteria-killing option for people due to it’s nauseating odor and reaction when it comes into contact with skin. That’s why your dentist is using hypochlorous acid, a product that has been used to disinfect surfaces in the hotel, food, and cruise ship industries for over 150 years. Read on to learn more about the benefits of hypochlorous acid and why patient-conscious practices are using it to stop the spread of bacteria, germs, and viruses.

What is Hypochlorous Acid & What Does it Do?

When people hear the words “hypochlorous acid”, they usually feel hesitant about based on its harsh-sounding name. The “acid” part of its name makes it sound like a harsh chemical, but in reality, it’s a completely naturally-occurring product that everyone’s white blood cells produce in their body. It helps fight off dangerous bacteria and viruses that threaten your immune system and wellbeing, specifically, it’s usually produced at the site of a wound or infection to promote proper healing. That’s why many people use it in wound care, to help heal tattoos, or even for pets!

It has been around for hundreds of years and is a trusted disinfectant in schools and hospitals because it’s so effective and safer to use around vulnerable people, as opposed to more harsh chemicals, such as bleach. Since the emergence of COVID-19, it’s becoming more popular since people are doing more research on certain disinfectants and their benefits to weigh each of their options.

Why Haven’t I Heard of Hypochlorous Acid Before?

One reason why hypochlorous acid isn’t a common household product and why many people haven’t heard of it is because of its short shelf-life. This dings it off of many medical professionals’ and homeowners’ lists of disinfectants and why it’s not found in department stores. Fortunately, the latest advancements and chemical manufacturing have made it more stable and given it a slightly longer shelf-life. This has caused it to become a more popular choice for healthcare businesses (among a variety of other places) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What Are The Benefits of Using Hypochlorous Acid For Disinfection?

There are a variety of unique benefits that hypochlorous acid offers, which is why it’s popularity is quickly growing. Some of these advantages include:

  • Not a harsh antibacterial cleanser.
  • Effective at degrading biofilm, which reduces the spread of bacteria.
  • Kills bacteria, fungi, and viruses that can linger on surfaces.
  • Is safe to be used around infants and more sensitive people.
  • FDA & USDA-approved chemical.
  • Effectively kills 99.9% of bacteria.
  • Doesn’t contain any toxic chemicals whatsoever.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s still necessary to visit your dentist and other healthcare providers to keep up with your wellbeing and make sure that you don’t have any lingering issues. Knowing that your dentist is using hypochlorous acid to disinfect their office can provide you the peace-of-mind that can help you feel more at-ease receiving the care you need.

About the Author

Dr. Karen Ho is dedicated to her patients’ wellbeing, safety, and health, which is why she has implemented several new protocols in response to the emergence of COVID-19. Hypochlorous acid is being used to disinfect the office twice every day as well as staff PPE after each patient, preventing the spread of germs and viruses throughout the office. This is only one of dozens of precautions being made to prioritize patient safety. For questions or to schedule an appointment for a checkup and cleaning, visit Karen Ho, DDS’ website or call 408-558-9444.

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